NWIGS Presentation Recordings and Handouts 2020-2024 Available to Members
Since NWIGS started recording its monthly meetings in 2020 it has accumulated a growing library of over 30 videos available in the members area of the website. Below is a list of presentations that NWIGS has hosted since September 2020 indicating the availability of videos and handouts and including keywords describing the topic of each presentation. Videos and handouts may be missing because a presenter has requested that we not archive them, no handouts were provided, or the meeting was not recorded for a variety of other reasons. The videos and handouts are available to members on two pages in the members area “2021 – Meetings + Videos & Notes” and “2022-2024 Meeting Videos & Notes.” We hope that this list helps you to discover some of the useful information contained in this valuable archive.
list_of_nwigs_presentations_2020-2024.pdf |