Historic Image Archive
Currently, we have 3,312 unique historical images available online. Dates for most of the images are approximated based on such evidence as a postmark, physical evidence shown in image, and the dating of a message written on the reverse. Publisher information includes publishers, printers, and photographers of the image, if known. Access the images via the Image Archive button below. The images are hosted on our archived site at rootsweb.com. In most cases, larger and higher quality scans of the images shown on this website are available via Steve Shook's Flickr page.
This section of our website is populated with historic image of Lake County and Porter County, Indiana. The bulk of the images are from the Steve Shook Postcard Collection consisting of postcards published between 1905 and 1920 that are now in the public domain, as well as from photograph books of various towns and published by local photograph studios during the 1890s and very early 1900s. Images are sorted by location (and topic area if location contains numerous images) and labeled with the title (caption), published date (or estimated published date), publisher(s), postmark information, and the collection from which the image was scanned. |
If you make use of these images for non-commercial purposes, the following is a suggestion for information to include and format: Author, "Name of photo", year; digital image, Name of the collection; Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society, web address. Example: Nelson, "Dredge on the Kankakee - Burrows Camp", ca. 1909; digital image, Steve Shook Postcard Collection; Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society, https://nwigs.com. See the captions on this page for additional examples |
While the original photographs and postcards on this website are all believed to be in the public domain, the scanned images as well as the text associated with the scanned images, are the copyrighted property of the Northwest Indiana Genealogical society. There is no objection to the use of the scanned images for nonprofit purposes or personal use; however, please request permission for use and also credit the Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society. Under no circumstances can the scanned images on this website be used for commercial purposes (e.g., business websites, books, flyers, advertisements) without prior written consent from the Northwest Indiana Genealogical society. Some images may have other rights retained.
While the original photographs and postcards on this website are all believed to be in the public domain, the scanned images as well as the text associated with the scanned images, are the copyrighted property of the Northwest Indiana Genealogical society. There is no objection to the use of the scanned images for nonprofit purposes or personal use; however, please request permission for use and also credit the Northwest Indiana Genealogical Society. Under no circumstances can the scanned images on this website be used for commercial purposes (e.g., business websites, books, flyers, advertisements) without prior written consent from the Northwest Indiana Genealogical society. Some images may have other rights retained.